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Doron Kamara RealTime VFX Demo Reel 2020

Doron Kamara RealTime VFX Demo Reel 2020

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

I worked on "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" video game at Infinity Ward in Woodland Hills, CA. I worked on SP, MP, and CP maps pushing the capabilities of the game engine to balance VFX with level characters and environment. I was part of the destruction team and responsible for many hero destruction moments throughout multiple levels. I also created numerous dynamic scriptables throughout the game allowing the player to interactively shoot objects and have them react dynamically in realtime. It was lots of fun to push the game forward as a team and give life to scenes in 60/fps with Realtime VFX. I used 3dsMax, Particle Flow, Thinking Particles, Havok, Photoshop, and After Effects.

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